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A Message from Alan Hays

Lake County's Supervisor of Elections

Dear Lake County Voters,

My love and passion for our Republic is immense. Today, I would like to share with you an excerpt from an article from Wallbuilders regarding Constitution Day. 

September 17th might not be as recognized as July 4th but it is equally important. On that day in 1787, thirty-nine men signed the final draft of the newly framed Constitution and sent it to the states for it to be ratifed. It took nearly an entire year of heated debate in the pages of newspapers and on the floor of the individual ratification conventions, but ultimately, on June 21, 1788, the Constitution was accepted as the governing document and the supreme law of the land. With the unanimous election of George Washington and his inauguration as president on April 30,1789, America began a new chapter in her history and the history of the world.

To honor this day, Congress voted in 1952 to formally designate September 17th as Constitution Day, and in 2004 an amendment further instructed that:

"The civil and educational authorities of States, counties, cities, and towns are urged to make plans for the proper observance of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and for the complete instruction of citizens in their responsibilites and opportunites as citizens of the United States".

Our Outreach Team spent Constitution Day, as part of the High School Voter Registration Challenge, in Groveland with juniors and seniors of South Lake High School. Students had an opportunity to learn about voting rights as well as pre-register/register to vote. More than 100 South Lake Eagles completed a Florida Voter Registration Application. Go Eagles! We would like to thank Principal Benson, Mr. Underwood, and Dr. Bristow for their support and hospitality.

Raising up the next generation of voters is a challenge in our busy world. The few moments we spend sharing voting expereinces and setting the example for young people can be so rewarding. 

If you would like to read the entire Constitution Day article visit https://wallbuilders.com/resource/constitution-hub/.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your supervisor of Elections.


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«September 2024»

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/ Categories: News Release

Lake County Supervisor of Elections Announces Early Voting Dates, Times, and Locations for the November 3rd General Election

Tavares, FL - Lake County Supervisor of Elections, Alan Hays, announces that Early Voting for the November 3rd General Election will be held October 19th – October 31st. Sites will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

Two new Early Voting sites have been added this year:
1. Clermont Arts and Recreation Center at 3700 S. US Highway 27 in Clermont.
2. In Sorrento at 24019 SR 46 (formerly the Sorrento Hardware Store).

“To make it convenient for Lake County voters, we have expanded our Early Voting sites to twelve different locations throughout the county,” Hays shared. “We believe there will be a high turnout at the polls. Utilizing the flexibility of Early Voting will help decrease wait times on Election Day,” Hays further commented. During Early Voting, voters may choose any one of the different locations to cast their ballot, instead of waiting until Election Day to vote at their assigned precinct. For a listing of all Early Voting locations, click the Early Voting tab on the homepage at www.LakeVotes.com. Voters will be able to click on the site and get detailed directions to the Early Voting location.

Secure drop boxes will be available at each Early Voting site for those voters wishing to deposit their completed vote-by-mail ballots instead of returning them by USPS.

Sample ballots will be mailed to all voters who have not opted to vote by mail. Voters can mark up their sample ballot and bring it with them to the polls. They can then easily transfer their selections to their actual ballot. “If voters are already prepared with their selections, it will help minimize the amount of time spent in the privacy booth and therefore improve wait times,” Hays stated. Sample ballots are also available at www.LakeVotes.com. Voters can simply click on the red banner at the top of the homepage and follow the prompts to view their customized sample ballot.

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